Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Coffee Bean

June 7, 2006 Wednesday 9:03pm

Day 30- We’re now in the second lunar month. Every day is more exciting. I wake up in the morning and think, “Hurray!” and run to my book to see what’s happening, like a Christmas countdown calendar (you know the kind, where you pull back the day and get a candy?).

Baby is now the size of a coffee bean, and will continue to double in size as the weeks pass.

I’ve been tired like I’ve never been tired before. I wonder if I tried to exercise more, if that would be help, or if I should rest.

We are slowly telling all of our friends. I still feel a little disbelief myself and worry that we’re going to find out something is wrong or we are mistaken. Logically, I realize how unlikely that is, and reassure myself that babies are born all them time. The odds are in our favor. knock on wood.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

I love that photo! The budda belly one is awesome too.