Friday, June 09, 2006

Budda Belly

June 9, 2006 Friday 6:36am
Now, I’m not really worried about looking pregnant, I understand a little baby pirate has commandeered my vessel. That’s great! It’s the fatty, lack of shape, pre-looking pregnant, that I’m going through now. That thick in the middle, not showing- just bloated, maybe I ate too much all day feeling.

I always wanted to be one of those really fit pregnant ladies. You know what I’m talking about the woman who from behind you can’t tell they are even pregnant, and then the turn around and there’s this obscene looking growth beneath their breasts. But I’m not sure it’ll be that way for me. I’ve always had trouble with food and loving to eat. Now for the first time in my life, I am not supposed to diet. Did you hear that! It’s amazing news. I am so concerned about eating the right balance of soy and calcium, veggies and fruit, cheese and bread. I don’t know how to do that within 2000-2300 calories. It’s a new day, wish me luck.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Can prego ladies go biking? Let's go for another bike the bay trip!
