Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Sometimes I think it’s easier to just relax. Let go. Have the tide of life come up and sweep you away. Don’t struggle against it, you’ll only sink deeper- just enjoy the ride.

In the end, do I want my kids to remember what a clean house I kept, what elaborate meals? Or do I want them to remember that time I crawled around on the floor shot tiny cannons and talked like a pirate for hours.

This is not to say that I don’t want a clean floor space to do that, but that idea, of a clean floor space is a little bit like chasing rainbows when you have two small children, a rabbit and 3 chickens.

So I’m going to sigh, and give in, when Ivy wants only to nap pressed close to me with my boob pressed up against her cheek. And I’m going to remember these days, through pictures and blog posts when she’s running out the door to meet friends at a movie...or moving into her dorm *gulp* in what feels like only a few short years.