Thursday, June 19, 2008

Otay Ranch Fountain

6/19/08: We are having a busy week! Today we went to the Otay Ranch Shopping Village. I love that mall. We hung out with my Mom all day and night- which was a lot of fun and a huge help and distraction for me after being on my own all week. Miles had a lot of freedom at the book store to play and rearrange their shelves. Then we headed over to the children’s play area. They have a wonderful fountain where the kids can play (under age 7). I was actually prepared this time with a suit and change of clothes for Miles! He LOVED it. It’s so amazing and fun to watch him interact with other children and explore a new experience. He’s not shy at all. He loves to talk to and watch other kids. You can just see him soaking everything in. He talks a ton lately although not much that’s understandable in English, a lot is understandable in tone. Here’s a picture of the set up. We’ll be back for sure, but next time I’ll bring a towel! (almost perfect!) For more pictures of this week, email me...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, I was googling something about Otay Ranch Town Center, and your blog popped up! I live in San Miguel Ranch with my 3 little ones, and I cloth diaper too! I was thinking of taking my kids to the fountain one day soon, glad to hear it's so fun!