Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Purple Corduroy Pants.

6/17/08: I went to the San Diego Fair today with my friend Lauren. After the long drive to Del Mar and the hot wait in line to get in, we decided the kids needed to run around and be free from their strollers. So we headed over to the garden exhibit to tear things up a bit. Miles would run up to people- everyone and anyone- stop right in front of them and wave at them with this big, goofy, expectant smile on his face, wait for them to acknowledge him (or trip over him), then run to the next stranger to personally greet them. Most people were older, and kinda hippy-ish and were very responsive to his salutations. Some of the younger crowd just pretended not to see him. But he waves with his whole arm and hand, so it’s hard not to see him.

There was one special couple, who were standing close to each other, the man’s round belly almost toughing the lady. Miles ran up and dashed in between them, under the belly. I think he thought their bodies made a tunnel. The woman had long, grey hair, thick glasses and a fanny pack over her bright purple, tapered leg corduroy pants. When he made his mad dash between them, they kind of jumped back saying “Oh!” Miles thought it was the most fun thing to do, but when he circled back to give it another go they were walking away, so he ran up behind the lady and head butted her in the posterior and she spread her legs so he could run through them! And then back again, and again. Keep in mind he’s a tall boy and wasn’t really ducking so she was kind of trying to hop up to avoid being pegged in the crotch. Miles was laughing so hard the entire time. Finally the couple said good-bye and tried to make an escape from this crazy boy but he followed them until I finally grabbed him, kicking and screaming and went to go find Lauren.

His other favorite part of the fair was the trip to the infield where we had to go through a real tunnel. Miles hollered and yelped and bellowed the entire length of the tunnel so he could hear his echo. We also stopped in an old timey photo booth- which he was amazed with- and we watched a band play some old surf rock for a while.

I managed to be swindled and conned by a carnie at the balloon/dart booth. It was $2 for one dart or $5 for 3. I gave the tall, smiley, man my $5 and popped 2 out of 3 balloons with the darts. The last one I missed. The man said, “Say “Pop!”” So I said, "Pop!" and he said, “You won!” But it was one of those crappy little toys that I won so I decided to go for the big stuffed dragon. When I asked him how much I would need to spend to get the dragon he told me he would make me a deal, and for each dart that hit a balloon it would count for 3 points and I needed 12 more points. So I needed to hit 4 balloons. I agreed and tried to pay him but he graciously told me to pay him AFTER I took the shots. I knew then that he was somehow going to take me for my $20.00 and I even said so. Again, I hit 4 balloons and was so impressed with my dart skills. He gave me a high five and got me the desired Dragon and then told me I owed him $20.00. What?! $20- It should have been $7.00- But each dart counted for 3- he explained. Oh- He got me. Such a con. But I had agreed to that, so how could I argue? Besides I had so much fun winning the dragon, and I knew he was conning me and I thought it was such a funny cliché- that I just handed him my twenty and laughed as I walked away. How he sleeps at night though, I’ll never know.

After that we walked through the farm and headed back to the car, stopping along the way to indulge in a chocolate dipped banana. Miles now thinks that chocolate dipped bananas are the next best thing to num nums (nursing). He clutched it and gnawed on it with his eyes closed all the way back to the car. Not bad for a one dollar ticket to the Fair!

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