Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Skin Deep, Green Bag Lady, and More!

6/11/08: You can always tell when my life is crazy by how long I wait to update this blog. Things are challenging here while Miles learns to talk… and listen! And we are always in flux with sleeping arrangements and schedules. Very loosey goosy. As long as he’s getting enough sleep, that’s good enough for me. I do okay with half a brain. Ha.

Here’s a few sites that have been sent to me recently. Sites that will open your eyes to the scary world of chemicals that we live in. My friend just mentioned that the FDA has really let us down, and I couldn’t agree more. This is the site to check out the products you use on your skin. It’s awesome because once you discover how toxic your products are, you can find ones that are less so. And this one has some great information in general, but this link will take you to an article on sunblock.

On a happy note, I received my “Green Bag Lady” Bag that I requested through Not long ago I heard about this artist who sews reusable market bags for people and gives them away for free. In fact she mailed my bag to me for free, costing her $1.95. I noticed that her envelope had a stamp that asked me to reuse the envelope. So I did. I promptly picked out some extra fabric that I had laying around and took it to the post office today. She gets fabric donations from around the US (at least). I’m glad I can add to it. What she’s doing kinda renews my believe in humankind’s goodness. Rock on Green Bag Lady! And thanks for my beautiful bag!

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