Saturday, July 04, 2009

Potty Learning

This is an email to a friend about how Miles is potty learning and how we are helping:

Miles basically did this on his own because I would have assumed he's too young.

He is naked most of the time at home and eventually he just learned not to go on the floor. We bought him a potty seat at 18 months which he used on and off. But he hates, HATES his cloth diapers and I think that's a big motivation for him. I don't want to buy disposable pull ups and I have a couple cloth pull ups, but I just moved him to big boy underwear- Hanes, and keep a change of clothes with me at all times. He will grab himself and say "pee pee!" and we are getting to know all the bathrooms in public. We also carry a potty seat in the trunk of our car for emergencies and parks.

So that's it! he wears a diaper at night still, but not at nap time. He is just a really strong willed kid who really knows what he wants. It's such a battle to put clothes on him and a nightmare getting a diaper on him. So we basically had no other choice but to potty learn. There you have it!

1 comment:

Ciria said...

This is pretty much what we did! Just made that leap from diapers to undies and brought clothes with us. I agree about the disposable pull ups, they probably would have drawn out the whole thing. Yay for our boys!