Sunday, April 05, 2009

Yoga Mama

4/5/09: Miles has been amazing lately- a real language explosion has occurred. And he understands everything you say- I mean EVERYTHING- so watch what you say! It’s so fun to be with him because he can tell you exactly what he’s thinking. Or at least the general idea.

We still struggle with him getting up at 4:45am- but Keith and I rotate who gets up with him. He shows up by our bedside and I let him nurse for a while the one of us will get up and start our early day watching the sky grow light. (Keith goes to work) Then we clean up the house and do some chores and it’s off to the gym. He’s doing great at the YMCA child care center while I’m in yoga class. My yoga practice has really blossomed and I feel a little strange if I don’t do at least a little yoga everyday. I have some wonderful and diverse teachers that are opening up the world for me. I love it and it helps me stay centered throughout my day and week. I am better able to stay patient and kind to my growing little toddler.

The weather is slowly warming up and we are spending more and more of our time outside – we’ve already spent an afternoon at the beach- one of many to come. Miles runs up to and then away from the waves laughing the whole time. He didn’t like to be wet or dirty this last time, a huge switch from the months prior. But he still had a blast. He is the most affectionate and smiley kid. Everywhere we go people know him and talk to him. It’s so much fun. I'm posting some pictures from a trip last week to the Carlsbad Flower Fields. He's signing "monkey" in the one of him alone.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I do yoga too! It really does help to keep us mommas centered and calm!