Monday, March 16, 2009

Email Venting

3/16/09: Email to Erica:


We are having one of those really tough mornings, where everything is a fit, whining for this and then not wanting it, crying for that, wanting to watch movies, not wanting to change his diaper that he's been in for 12 hours and reeks of urine. (Worse in cloth diapers I think) Kicking me and screaming when he doesn't get his way. I'm walking on egg shells trying to walk the line between gaining cooperation and not giving him what he wants when he acts that way. After him screaming, thrashing and kicking me when I was trying to change his diaper, ( I could barely get the zipper down on his pjs) I got one leg and the opposite arm out of his pjs, enough to get the diaper off. Then I gave up trying to get the pjs off and put him in his bed and walked out of the room. I went to go breathe in the kitchen and get a cup of decaf, when he shows up naked and says and signs "done." I say, "good!" Then he wants a bath- so since I was just trying to leave early to get Target in before the gym, I figure I can do that tomorrow or even better, tonight, without him. He can get his bath, and hopefully I can still make my pilates class.

I hope your morning is going smoothly...

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