Thursday, April 24, 2008

Craft Crazy

4/24/08: Life is swinging along at the Kwasny house. Miles is walking exclusively now- and I think having a major growth spurt. He is eating like crazy. Seems to be starving after a couple hours. And sleeping a lot- or not sleeping. I guess it’s all normal. We are waiting for the talking to start. Right now he has sounds that he makes, and I know what they mean, but they aren’t real words. He seems to say “Duck” pretty reliably. But I think that’s just the easiest sound for him to make. We have been bike riding quite a bit lately. And I have been a crochet maniac.
I even finished a painting recently!

I wish I could take some good pictures but I broke my camera. So I’ll post what I have.

We went to Manhattan Beach for a night with some friends. That was fun…Let’s see- what else. Oh! Miles choked today for the first time. Scared me to death. He finally cleared a monster piece of cheese. Take bites Miles! Bites! He likes to shove the whole thing in his mouth. Maybe this will teach him.

We get together with friends a couple times a week. Not really organized playgroups so much any more as splinter groups. It’s so nice to be making some really good friends at this stage of the game. I hope Miles can hang on to some of these friendships too. It’s a rare treat to grow up with someone. I will always have Aimee- I wonder who his “Aimee” will be. People move so much these days, and in this sad state of economy, who knows where we will all end up. Hopefully here- (but as long as I’m with my man and child- I’m home)

1 comment:

Dana said...

so loving that shrug... very hot!