3/22/10: We are getting ready for Spring!
We have completed our paper pots, planted seeds and watered every day. Now we are finally seeing some results! Most of the seeds have sprouted so it’s time to get their permanent home ready. I bought some worm castings and some organic planting mix to till into the planter box. I also admired my friend’s amazing results after she put in a soaker hose last year, so this year I am copying her. I just planted the soaker hose today. The seeds aren’t quite ready to go in the ground yet, but soon. The artichoke in this picture is from one of the four artichoke plants in my front yard.

This year we have basil, red leaf lettuce, green leaf lettuce (I know it’s late for lettuce in SD, but I had to try), big and little tomatoes, garden beans, carrots, pumpkins and decorative birdhouse gourds. I think that’s it. Hopefully we’ll at least get some tomatoes! We did pumpkins 2 years ago and it was awesome. I really regretted not doing it last year.

I didn’t post the following post because I didn’t feel like it. But I will now. I think it’s important to do what’s right for your child and your family, without regard to what other people think. It’s not their child, right? Miles nursed for a few minutes this morning although I’m pretty sure I don’t have any milk anymore. He nurses about once every couple weeks for a few minutes. Sometimes I tell him no and sometimes I let him. When people ask, I say I just weaned him. Which to me, is true, considering every time he nurses I’m pretty sure it’s the last time. Ah well, he won't be my baby for much longer and I’m sucking every last minute out of it. Excuse the pun. Here’s the post…
So- I let him nurse this morning. Not that I plan on going back to an every day thing, and I did restrict him- once he started to play he was done. I do get tremendous pressure to wean from family, etc...But I also feel so torn, cause it's 3 weeks later and he STILL asks for it every day. I feel so bad that I didn't let him wean himself. So now- on occasion, if I want to, I'm going to let him nurse. I guess it's a step back, but I feel like it's the right thing to do. And I'm hoping maybe he just never asks for it again. I must say- we've had the most pleasant morning ever this morning. He helped me make breakfast, keeps telling me how much he loves me, helped me with dishes, got dressed without a fight, let me brush his hair and cut his bangs, and brush his teeth for a long time. It's been awesome. Now he's letting me write you all this crap! I just feel like it was a right decision. Maybe things just aren't as black and white as I thought with weaning. I guess it's a longer process. Which really makes sense considering he's nursed his whole life. It's a huge transition.
The other thing I'm dong is being more restrictive of sweets and TV time. Which is necessary and good, and has positive results.
1 comment:
hey Wendy...
I can totally understand the lame pressures from family...but for what its worth...I totally admire that you've nursed Miles for 3+ years. You've given Miles a wealth of nutrition, confidence, love and comforting and peaceful moments from your nursing relationship together.
You are such a wise and involved mother, I think any decision you make is the right one for your family.
Much admiration,
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