Thursday, November 19, 2009

Money, Smarts, and Mission Trails

11/19/09: We opened Miles' first savings account today. He had saved $47 and change in his piggy banks over the last (almost) 3 years. He brought his huge bag of money and coins to the teller and said, “ Savings account please!” He’s getting pretty smart, and crafty.

For example yesterday, Miles was playing with a balloon in the living room. It was just a regular blow up balloon. There was a lot of static electricity in the air and the balloon stuck to the ceiling. Miles called that he needed help and I was busy in the kitchen so he announced that he had an idea and left for a minute. He came back with a broom and held up the handle tall enough to knock the balloon off the ceiling. I thought that was pretty clever for a 2.5 year old.

We went to Mission Trails yesterday with some friends. One of the other Moms thought to bring all the kids magnifying glasses to look for bugs and tracks. Miles thought that was the best idea ever and used it to look for shoe prints, ants and leaves. It was a wonderful hike, despite Miles taking his shoes off every few minutes and insisting I carry him the last half of the way back...

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