Miles is 4 1/2 months old. I am good-well, kinda- I am going thru something where I need to constantly remind myself to calm down and change my thinking. I've been a little self critical. If I read the baby books I start to question my parenting style. Do I have a good enough routine? is he napping enough and well enough? Am I consistant enough. And then there's the whole time for me thing. There is no time for me. If I do have a moment, I need to put laundry away or load/unload the dishwasher, straighten the house. I have all these half finished projects (which goes against my nature and makes me crazy). I'm not sure what I can do to help myself. I have been practicing yoga almost every day- which I love. Miles will lay on the floor and do his tummy time with me. We hang out and go to mommy and me yoga, the library and the mall just to wander around. I guess I wish I could just get the house in some kind of order that made sense- it's never ending.
Miles is constantly changing- growing and learning. He is a true joy. I just need to remember to follow my instincts and let go of the unimportant, and all will be well.
Keith is working on the deck every day after work too- so we both don't get a brake from work until after dark-and in my brakes I tend to work. anyway- Such is life.
Miles is wonderful though, so much fun and a joy to be around. He smiles all the time and laughs out loud. He can roll from his tummy to his back. but not the other way around. And he has his two bottom teeth!- oh- he's awake from his nap- gotta run.