9/3/11: I really needed a day where everything was good. Today was that day, given the circumstances. First, let me say, that Keith is sick. Flu-like. I wanted to keep the kids far away from him, for one, so he could rest, and for two- so he wouldn’t spread the illness.
This morning I checked online to see what fun was happening around here and I saw the Menghini Winery was having a grape stomp in Julian. Miles loves the mountains. Partially because he always believes it will be snowing and partially (I think) because he loves nature and to be outdoors. I complained to Keith this morning that no one would go with me to the grape stomp and Miles shouted, “I’ll go with you!” and so it was.
I packed a bag like we might not come home. Extra clothes, food, blankets, tons of water and sunblock, even a bathing suit- just in case.
By the time we got up there the sun was shining a hot 93 degrees. I had packed the BOB, two beach chairs and a blanket. I loaded up the stroller with all our gear and wore Ivy in the Ergo. We maneuvered through the crowd and I managed to grab a tri-tip sandwich and a glass of Sauvignon Blanc. We set up near the bounce house in the shade and Miles ran off to go wild with the children. The band was in full swing, and just behind me, one of the traffic directors was joining in on his harmonica, collaborating with the band.
It was lovely. Ivy played on the blanket, I ate with both hands (you Moms of babies know what I’m talking about) and sipped my wine from a lovely souvenir glass. Finally with much fan fair, the grapes arrived via tractor to fill the giant stomp barrels. Miles saw the grapes being delivered and immediately ran to be first in line for the stomp. Buckets and tubs of grapes were dumped in by men in bright yellow security jackets and farmer hats. Miles stood at the edge of the barrel, toes gripping the sides in extreme excitement and anticipation. Finally, the grapes were blessed and the stomping commenced.
There were squeals of delight, and disgust from both the adult barrel and the children’s barrel. Just as the juice was flying the band started in with, “That’s Amore” and the crowed spontaneously erupted in song. It was magical. I even dipped Ivy’s toes in the grapes so she could join in the fun.
After Miles and Ivy were literally hosed off we went next door to the Apple orchard for some U-Pick apples. We filled a bag and then headed into historic Julian for some shopping and pie.
Once walking down the street I saw the horse and carriage and asked the driver, “How much?” I’ve always wanted to do that and always assumed it was too much. Well, this time it just seemed appropriate, so we arranged to ride into the country in horse and buggy for a half hour. Listening to the clop clop clop of the horse’s hooves hit the pavement and searching for the deer in the foliage that the driver pointed out made the ride seem that much more worth it. Miles snuggled into me and Ivy laughed at nothing for awhile before settling into nurse for a nap.
Once back in town, we hit up some art galleries and antique stores. Of course we did some damage at the Cider Mill and then The Julian Pie Company for some famous natural apple pie.
It was just about 4pm and I didn’t want Miles to fall asleep in the car just yet. We entertained each other with a game of “I Spy” until we came up to Lake Cuyamaca. I parked and once again loaded up the stroller with all our gear. We found a shady spot by the lakes edge in which to lounge. Miles sprinkled duck food into the lake and Ivy played on the blanket while I gazed at the lake, satisfied in the effort of being there. Miles befriended the family next to us in hopes that Dad would let him fish some- but it didn’t happen.
We played until the sun was falling behind the trees and finally packed it up to go home. Both kids fell asleep in the car listening to Andrew Bird, without a peep. (Amazing for Ivy- she has trouble sleeping in the car).
I would say, it’s been a fantastic day. I really hope Miles will be able to remember some of the amazing experiences he’s having on our little spontaneous adventures.