1/06/08: Miles has figured out how to turn the pages of a board book- and open cabinets and drawers! His whole world just got more dangerous and messy. We have some baby proofing to do. I bet he’ll be walking or at least standing on his own, right around his birthday. Keith bets later, but he’s already standing on his own for seconds at a time and pushing his toys and the ottoman around the living room to get around. It’s fast approaching! He’s also talking more. We think he says, “up, mama, dada, and ball” with some regularity. I know he understands numnums, milk, water, and diaper change. I’m sure he understands much more than that even.
He had his first bloody fall on the playground the other day. Too sad! I guess it’s the first of many to come.
I’m sick, but we went to La Jolla this morning anyway for breakfast burritos on the beach. It was so fun to go out in the cold and rain and see the huge surf. Then we went over to the museum of Contemporary Art to see the sound waves exhibit. After that I was pooped and came home to nap and cough in private. Miles is still sleeping and it’s getting late, but I’m letting him sleep just in case he’s fighting off this cold that I have.