4/6/07: Life with Miles is beginning to really jive. We are getting to know each other more and more. I take him along everywhere we or I go. We have been to Cedros, La Jolla, The zoo (twice!), Palm Springs, The Museum, Gallery Openings, cocktail parties and many restaurants. He is a trooper, very mellow, loves to be in his Baby Bjorn, worn be me or Daddy.
We are co-sleeping in the master bedroom. Which works well when the dogs don’t bark, and Keith doesn’t snore, and Miles doesn’t start his nightly running man routine. I guess what I’m trying to say is, we still don’t sleep well. But I love co-sleeping. It makes nursing so much easier, and snuggling with the family is priceless.
Miles will be 12 weeks on Easter Sunday. 3 months on the 15th of April. He is already wearing 6 month baby clothes. He is starting to like his bath time, especially if we do it in the sink. He says “ahgoo, ahgaah” and is focusing hard on starting other noises too. Miles loves the morning time and grins for no reason. He is starting to love his toys and now when he is upset we can distract him with a toy for a while (instead of walking r bouncing him) which is really helpful, especially for Keith. He is finding his fists in his mouth and is just starting to learn to self sooth. He is also sleeping more in his swing for nap time, so I can get stuff like this done.
Anyway, we are loving life with Miles! Everyday he shows more of his little personality and is even starting to laugh now and again. I think the best is yet to come, and every day I wake up (for the 18th time) and think, “What new adventure are we going to have today?”